Saturday, May 26, 2007

Smoke &...

1. Smoke & Shadows, Tanya Huff - Finished 04.16.07
2. Smoke & Mirrors, Tanya Huff - Finished 04.18.07
3. Smoke & Ashes, Tanya Huff - Finished 04.19.07

This series had been on my To Read list for a long time before I was finally able to get them from the library, and I ended up enjoying it far more than I thought I would. Part supernatural spooky, part scary suspense, extremely humorous, these three books were, plain and simple, a fun read. The series is a follow-up to her "Blood" series, and even though I haven't yet read that series, these three stand alone and were well written and plotted.

4 Stars
(I know, I need to find some actual stars - but you get the point, right?)


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