Friday, January 13, 2012

Book News - The Republic of Thieves, by Scott Lynch

Earlier this morning on the Gollancz blog, Simon Spanton, the Deputy Publishing Director of Gollancz, posted an update regarding the publication of The Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch.

He says: "Well, the months have rolled around faster than anyone could quite credit and we find ourselves in 2012 and still without that final confirmed delivery of the completed draft of Scott Lynch’s The Republic of Thieves. Sadly those who expressed their doubts have been proved right and we’re now forced to move the likely date for Scott’s publication into the Autumn of this year.
Scott is still facing up to his issues and we’re still having to face up to the wait for his book. I know which I’d rather be dealing with.

So, we send our apologies to you and our very best wishes to Scott. Thank you, on his behalf, for bearing with us. And in the meantime, of course, (and to take some of the pressure of Scott) there are plenty of other wonderful books to be reading until The Republic of Thieves does make its appearance."

Sad news to be sure, as many Addicted Readers have been waiting for this next volume in the story of Locke & Jean, but I wish Mr. Lynch all the best.  We'll find something else to read until Autumn, I'm sure.


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