Wednesday, August 3, 2011

News - My Blogiversary!!

As of yesterday, August 2, 2011, I have managed to survive one whole year since I re-booted SunnyReads!  A very special THANK YOU goes out to all of you who have helped me along by reading my blog, ignoring my typos and spelling errors, commenting on my posts (I <3 your comments!), and following SunnyReads, including the 2 of you who just joined this week!  (Hi New People!!  Welcome!)

As Year 2 begins, I'd specifically like to thank you all for putting up with my random ramblings about TV and movies, which seems happens a lot when you consider the name of the blog is SunnyREADS and not SunnySpendsAllHisTimeWatchingTV&Movies, which, face it, is just too long of a name.

Anyway, thanks for sticking around!

(Speaking of movies - is anyone going to see Rise of the Planet of the Apes this weekend?  I'm so excited I could just die!!)


  1. Congrats on one year! That's so awesome!


  2. Congrats on the New One year blogiversary! I can't wait to see what you have coming up for the next year!

    Oh and I am SOOOO excited for the Rise of the Planet of the Apes but don't have time to see it this weekend :(

  3. Congratulations!

    I'm dying to see Rise of the Planet of the Apes, but hubby isn't all that bothered about it. Might just have to watch it alone! ;)
