1. Soulless 10/25/2010 * * * *
2. Changeless 11/2/2010 * * * *
3. Blameless 11/22/2010 * * * *
4. Heartless 7/17/2011 * * * * *
5. Timeless 3/6/2012 * * * * *
From Goodreads:

Until, that is, she receives a summons from Alexandria that cannot be ignored. With husband, child, and Tunstells in tow, Alexia boards a steamer to cross the Mediterranean. But Egypt may hold more mysteries than even the indomitable Lady Maccon can handle. What does the vampire Queen of the Alexandria Hive really want from her? Why is the God-Breaker Plague suddenly expanding? And how has Ivy Tunstell suddenly become the most popular actress in all the British Empire?"
My Thoughts:
I'm terribly sad to see this series end. At the same time, I'm a little bit glad that the series is ending where it is, because this is the perfect place for this story to end, and Gail Carriger has provided her fans with the absolute perfect ending! And now she is free to work on her other projects - two brand new series, still based in Alexia's world, but taking place in different times - and I can't wait to get my hands on those books!!
Timeless is nearly impossible to talk about without giving too much away or spoiling one or more of the many, many surprises. We do get to see a point of view other than Alexia's for part of the book, and the continuing story of Biffy is delightfully sweet. We learn more about Prudence herself and what it means for her to be Metanatural. As Gail promised me in our interview last week, we do indeed learn more about Floote and his secrets, and what he's been protecting for Alexia's father all these years. Of course, Ivy and her hats are present, along with the very mysterious Lefoux, and everything that you think you want to see happen, totally happens! My only complaint would be that the ending feels a tiny bit rushed as everything wraps up. But other than that, it's amazingly enjoyable, the perfect ending to a very special series of novels, and I hope that all of you out there who haven't tried this series will do so in the very near future. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
As always, please feel free to leave a comment below if you have any thoughts about "Timeless," or if you have posted your own review and would like to leave a link, I would love to hear what you thought!
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